Thursday, July 7, 2016

Weston, West Virginia - May 19, 2016

We arrived and parked in Lewis County Park after another trip through the mountains. The front of the Bounder faced the park's tennis courts. The soccer fields are busy in the early evening. The swimming pool opened before Memorial Day and the picnic shelters got a workout. It is a great park for the county, however the rv parking is definitely an afterthought. 

The space next to us on the driver's side has a sign on a light post the reads "Camper Hookups" There are electrical, water and sewer hookups below the sign, but in the center of the space is a tree staked in place. There isn't any way a "camper" could utilize this space. 

Due to the tennis court fence and a light pole in front of us, no other rv could get into any of the spaces outside our patio. The best part of getting into the park was the drive which slanted straight downhill. (There is a gated back way out of the park on a horridly rutted path, which we took really slowly, when we left. Thank you Tracy for providing the key to open the gate.)

We spent sometime in Clarksburg, WV just north of Weston. Clarksburg is the birthplace of Stonewall Jackson.

The next adventure was a visit to The West Virginia Museum of American Glass in Weston WV. 

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